Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"Legislative fools": State Senate passes Popular Vote bill

To borrow a phrase from blogger Michael Bates, 28 Oklahoma State Senators just proved themselves to be legislative fools. Today, the State Senate passed Senate Bill 906, a bill that would bind Oklahoma presidential electors to the national popular vote, rather than the winner of Oklahoma's popular vote (as under the Electoral College system today).

The following 28 state senators (16 Republican, 12 Democrat) voted in favor of SB 906:

Allen (R), Anderson (R), Ballenger (D), Barrington (R), Bass (D), Bingman (R), Branan (R), Brecheen (R), Burrage (D), Ellis (D), Fields (R), Garrison (D), Griffin (R), Halligan (R), Ivester (D), C. Johnson (D), R. Johnson (R), Loveless (R), Marlatt (R), Mazzei (R), McAffrey (D), Paddack (D), Schulz (R), Shortey (R), Shumate (D), Sparks (D), Stanislawski (R), Wyrick (D).

The following 18 state senators, all Republicans, voted against SB 906:

Aldridge (R), Brinkley (R), Brooks (R), Brown (R), Crain (R), Dahm (R), David (R), Ford (R), Holt (R), Jolley (R), Justice (R), Newberry (R), Sharp (R), Shaw (R), Simpson (R), Standridge (R), Sykes (R), Treat (R).

I was extremely disappointed to see conservative senators like Josh Brecheen and Ralph Shortey on the list of those seduced by the National Popular Vote schemers. Brecheen's vote especially stings, because I helped him on his 2010 race.

Blogger and OKGOP National Committeeman Steve Fair has written several articles against the National Popular Vote bills authored by Sen. Rob Johnson and Rep. Don Armes; read here, here, and here for his take.

Here's hoping that the State House shoots this terrible idea down.

UPDATE: Brecheen on SB 906: "A vote I regret"


  1. These people are idiots and should be removed from office. This is not democracy.

  2. The 16 Republican State Senators shoud be censured by the Oklahoma Republican Party.

  3. I simply do not understand how any conservative could be so foolish as to vote in favor of such a measure. It goes completely against how our electoral system is supposed to work. Hopefully, our State Reps will bury this where it will never see the light of day.

  4. Tell me HOW STUPID YOU ARE to even suggest a bill like this?!

  5. And tell me HOW STUPID are you to even propose this mess?


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