Bought and Paid For: Jim Roth
Part Two in a continuing series from the Muskogee Politico
Jim Roth, Democrat candidate for Corporation Commission, has raised record-breaking amounts of campaign cash in this election cycle. As of August 11th, over $100,000 of Roth's campaign war-chest came from out of state. Nearly $42,000 is from Texas, and around $10,000 each from California, Colorado, Florida, and Washington, D.C.
Observe Roth's reaction to this student's question:
Jim Roth: bought and paid for by out-of-state contributors.
Friday, October 17, 2008
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Bethany bans business subsidies1 day ago
What a gutless gay he is! Gutless, dishonest, crybaby little gay. He had to get his fat boyfriend to come over and fight his battles for him. He makes Elton John look like Hulk Hogan.