State Rep. George Faught (R, Muskogee) was named one of eight Assistant Majority Floor Leaders. The Republican Party extended their lead in the state house, after gaining control in 2004. In 2006, Rep. Faught became the first Republican in state history to win the House District 14 seat.

State Rep. Mike Brown (D, Tahlequah) will be the Minority Floor Leader for the 52nd Legislature. Rep. Brown has represented House District 4 since 2004.

State Rep. Jerry McPeak (D, Warner) was selected to be one of two Deputy Minority Floor Leaders. Rep. McPeak has held the House District 13 seat since 2004.

State Rep. Wade Rousselot (D, Wagoner) was appointed as one of five Assistant Minority Floor Leaders. Rep. Rousselot has represented House District 12 since 2004.
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