Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Possible Swine Flu at Muskogee VA Hospital

From KOTV:Possible Swine Flu Case In Muskogee if (window.WNColumnManager) WNColumnManager.add('WNStoryRelatedBox', {collapsible : true, heightAdjustable : false}); MUSKOGEE, OK -- The Veterans Administration hospital in Muskogee has told the News On 6 on Tuesday, a patient at their facility appears to have swine flu symptoms. VA spokesperson Neda McClellan says the patient confirmed...

BREAKING: Arlen Specter Switches to Democrat

RINO Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania has switched to the Democrat Party, giving them 59 seats in the U.S. Senate. If Al Franken finally emerges as the victor in Minnesota, as he will, the Democrats will have a filibuster-proof 60 seat majority.Statement by Sen. Arlen Specter:I have been a Republican since 1966. I have been working extremely hard for the Party, for its candidates and for the...

Friday, April 24, 2009

George Faught on Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ban Veto

The following is an email message sent from State Rep. George Faught (R, Muskogee) earlier this afternoon.Dear Friends, House Bill 1326 prohibits research done on human embryos. This measure would prevent the destruction of embryos for the purpose of harvesting their stem cells. While this legislation passed both the House and the Senate with strong bi-partisan support, it was vetoed by Governor...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Persuasion, Marketing, and Mark Shannon on "Ron Paulies"

Oklahoma City talk show host Mark Shannon has had enough of the "Ron Paulies" - read below for his post today.Black-Pauled When I woke up Wednesday morning, I had nothing I felt strong enough to write about, (as you may have noticed,) so rather than forcing something, I just left it blank. ...

Monday, April 20, 2009

OKGOP Convention Update

Sorry for the lack of updates since the state convention; I've been away from a computer ever since my last post.First of all, Gary Jones won the state chair race by an overwhelming percentage. I neglected to write down the exact figures, but Michael Bates put them up on his Twitter account. Gary Jones received 73.5% of the vote (1282.4 - apportioned vote), and Cheryl Williams got 26.5% (461.6 - apportioned...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

State GOP Convention Saturday

The 2009 Oklahoma Republican Convention takes places on Saturday, and I will likely be unable to post until the conclusion. However, I have a few things to say.One, I fully and enthusiastically endorse GARY JONES for state chair, and Angie LaPlante for Vice Chair. These are both solid, conservatives individuals that I have had the privilege of knowing, and I can think of no better team for the Republican...

Muskogee Tea Party Pictures, Part 1

Here is the first handful of pictures from the Muskogee Tea Party that took place on Wednesday, with around 225-250 attendees. I'll post some more later, as well as video.Here's a link to the Muskogee Phoenix front-page above-the-fold article. They also posted video on their website here.People beforehand, lining up to sign...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

36 Communities at Muskogee Tea Party

36 communities were represented at the Muskogee Tea Party today.Cities and towns represented by attendees included Muskogee, Tahlequah, Fort Gibson, Wagoner, Pryor, Shawnee, Porum, Muldrow, Checotah, Chouteau, Eufaula, Gore, Stigler, Coweta, Wainwright, Webbers Falls, Roland, Sallisaw, Boynton, Hulbert, San Clemente CA, Cookson, Stillwell, Warner, Oktaha, Braggs, Lequire, Canadian, Vian, Tulsa, Hitchita,...

Update on Muskogee Tea Party

Pictures and video to come, but there were over 220 people present at the Muskogee Tea Party.Word is that over 3,000 went to the Tulsa Tea Parties, possible over 5,000 at the State Capitol, along with hundreds at various other locations across the state. This was huge.There could be over a million people across the nation who attend the tea parti...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Early Ethics Returns: Brogdon Raises $22K

The first quarter ethics reports are starting to roll on in, and there are some interesting tidbits out there.For instance, Attorney General Drew Edmondson has $231,000 cash on hand in his gubernatorial candidate account, through the end of 2008. Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins hasn't submitted her first quarter '09 report yet, and neither has Edmondson.On the GOP side, Mary Fallin's report is not...

State Committeeman Talks Caucus vs. Primary Moratorium

A Message from Muskogee County State Committeeman Jamison FaughtThe issue of how Oklahoma Republicans choose their nominee for president is very important, and should not be taken lightly. Whether we have a caucus system or a primary affects the ability of hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans to participate in the process of selecting our next president. That’s why I am calling for a moratorium...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Finally!MOMBASA, Kenya – An American ship captain was freed unharmed Sunday in a swift firefight that killed three of the four Somali pirates who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa, the ship's owner said. A senior U.S. intelligence official said a pirate who had been involved in negotiations to free Capt. Richard Phillips but who was not on the lifeboat...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Somali Pirates... Get Calls from the Media!

Reuters on the hostage situation: MOGADISHU/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy negotiated on Thursday with Somali pirates who held an American ship captain hostage in a lifeboat in the Indian Ocean, their first such seizure of a U.S. citizen. The gunmen briefly hijacked the 17,000-tonne Maersk Alabama freighter Wednesday, but the 20 American crew retook control after a confrontation...

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Brogdon Announces Massive Tax Rebate Plan

Brogdon Announces $2.6 Billion Tax Rebate Plan for OklahomansTulsa, OK, ­- April 08, 2009 – Senator Randy Brogdon today announced his plan to introduce legislation that would provide up to $2.6 billion in tax rebates to the people of Oklahoma. “Governor Henry has chosen to listen to President Obama and the Washington insiders on how Oklahoman’s tax dollars should be spent,” said Brogdon. “I choose...

Friday, April 03, 2009

Steve Fair on the Caucus

Steve Fair wrote such a great rebuttal to the CaucusOK! movement, that I had to re-post it here in it's entirety.Earlier this week you may have received an email in support of moving Oklahoma Republicans back to a caucus system of choosing which presidential candidate receives Oklahoma’s delegate votes to become the Republican nominee for President.Most knowledgeable Republicans who have studied the...

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Candidate Announcement

In light of several revelations about ordinances the Muskogee City Council has passed in recent months, I have decided to announce my candidacy for City Council, Ward One.In the coming days, I will be launching a website: muskogeeneedschange.com.It's high time that Muskogee had city councilors who really represented the people. The current council does not. That's why, in the spirit of this time,...