Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tea Party Patriots Announce Nationwide Health Care Freedom Tea Party Protests

The following is a press release from the 'Tea Party Patriots' national organization. 'Tea Party Patriots' was one of the main groups nationwide that were organizing Tea Parties on July 4th.
Tea Party Patriots Announce Nationwide Health Care Freedom Tea Party Protests

WHEN: JULY 17th, 12:00 noon EDT / 9:00 am PDT
WHAT: Tea Party Patriots Health Care Freedom Protests
WHO: Citizen Patients!
WHERE: Coast to Coast, Across the Country, from Florida to Hawaii, at every single Congressional and Senatorial Office

Tea Party Patriots is reaching out to Americans to help them protect their patient-doctor relationship. We believe citizens should be making healthcare decisions for themselves and their family, rather than government bureaucrats. We need to carefully address healthcare reform to give individuals more power instead of putting politicians in control of our healthcare system. We are asking all citizens across this country to join together, for one hour on Friday, in a nationwide effort to express opposition to government takeover of our health care.

Mark Meckler of Tea Party Patriots commented, "People around this country are fed up with the behavior of politicians in Washington. Americans Patriots are angry with the current activity and will not silently sit by as they watch their elected officials drive this country down the road to socialism. Healthcare is a personal choice and one that every American has the right to make without government intervention. Americans are rallying against both the Public and Individual mandate ideas on healthcare! They do not want rationing! They want access across State Lines, tax equality status for all health plans, insurance portability, and politicians to reduce the obstacles for care! The bottom line is they want less government intervention. They want the freedom to choose what they want for themselves and their families. Tea Party Patriots grassroots activists are standing up and will be silent no more."

About Tea Party Patriots:

Tea Party Patriots are the same people that brought you Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th. Three of the national coordinators were on the very first conference call, February 20th, where the first round of tea parties were planned following Rick Santelli's rant. There were only 22 people on that call. The following Friday, February 27th, we had approximately 50 tea parties across the country, with an estimated 30,000 people in attendance! On April 15th, we had 850+ tea parties in all 50 states, with 1.2 million people in attendance.

Tea Party Patriots is founded upon the core principles and values of Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Markets.

Tea Party Patriots is organizing to fight for healthcare freedom and against government controlled medicine. On April 15, 2009 over 1.2 millionAmericans rallied at 'Tea Parties' across the nation to protest out of control spending and big government. Tea Party Patriots is mobilizing the grassroots army! Our focus this summer is Project AIM (Attract, Inform, Mobilize) in order to educate the grassroots army and oppose government run healthcare. We are having weekly townhalls cross the country in addition to tea party protests and rallies. We are using the tea party platform to start the discussion about government run healthcare and educate people about the dangers of government run healthcare. Many people are not aware of how dangerous this legislation is for our country. Tea Party Patriots is working to expose the truths about government run healthcare.

For Additional Information:


There are protests being planned for Friday the 17th (from 11am to 12 noon, Central Time), at 2nd District Congressman Dan Boren's district offices.

Denise Clinton is coordinating the Claremore protest (email her here), Elizabeth Jones is coordinating the McAlester protest (email her here), and John McAlister is coordinating the Muskogee protest (email him here).

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