Edmonds Signs 'New Contract for America'
MORRIS, OK – U.S. Congressional District 2 candidate, Daniel Edmonds, recently signed the New Contract for America. Similar to the 1994 Contract with America, the current grassroots movement seeks to nationalize the 2010 elections. However, unlike the 1994 movement, which promised specific legislation, the current efforts are looking for a promise that all legislation will be looked at through the lens of the U.S. Constitution.
By signing the New Contract for America, congressional candidates pledge that, if elected, they will do their duty to uphold the Constitution and maintain and support these United States as our forefathers envisioned through the Constitution. As one of the first congressional candidates nationwide, and the first congressional candidate in Oklahoma to sign, Edmonds has indicated his commitment to work earnestly to preserve liberty, capitalism, and the great republic established by our founding fathers.
“I’m pledging to the American people, to Oklahomans, and specifically to those of the Second U.S. Congressional District that, if given the opportunity to serve, I will vote on all legislation with a conservative interpretation of the U.S. Constitution,” Edmonds said. “It will be my desire and commitment to vote in line with the U.S. Constitution 100 percent of the time.”
To learn more about the New Contract for America or to read the details of the contract being signed by conservative congressional candidates, visit NewContractForAmerica.org. To learn more about Daniel Edmonds and his current campaign for Oklahoma’s U.S. Congressional District 2 Seat, visit DanielEdmonds.org.
You can find out more about Daniel Edmonds by visiting his website. The other candidates in the race for the Republican nomination are Dan Arnett, Bert Fisher, Howard Houchen, and Charles Thompson.
With the 3Q FEC filing period coming to a close on September 30th, I encourage you to consider sending one (or all!) of these candidates a contribution. It takes money to run a viable campaign, and the sooner we can identify the GOP nominee, the better.
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