Here's the latest 2nd District Update from the Muskogee Politico...

Thompson did not file with the FEC in time for the 3rd Quarter filing period, so we will not know his fundraising numbers until the end of the year. Bert Fisher dropped out on September 25th; no new candidates have gotten in since.

Speaking of FEC reports, the 3rd Quarter closed on September 30th, and the filing deadline is October 15th. So far, only Daniel Edmonds has filed his report.
Edmonds reported just under $2000 in individual contributions (note: he did not file with the FEC until late in the Quarter). Neither Dan Arnett nor Howard Houchen have filed their 3Q reports yet.
Houchen has touted his fundraising at events in the district; it remains to be seen how much he raised this last quarter. If he doesn't come in with a good figure, I don't see that as a good sign for him.
Dan Arnett has been back in the district for events the past couple of weeks. He has been in Pennsylvania at law school for most of the last few months.
After all the reports come in, I will compile a "Power Ranking" of the candidates (idea shamelessly stolen from Race42012).
Keep watching the Muskogee Politico blog for the latest updates on the 2010 2nd District Congressional race.
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