From Second Congressional District candidate Dan Arnett (R-Henryetta):
Dan Arnett Announces Tour of Oklahoma Colleges and UniversitiesArnett is running against Democrat incumbent Dan Boren, and fellow Republican challengers Daniel Edmonds, Howard Houchen, and Charles Thompson.
Over 99,437,266 Americans are under the age of 25 according to the last US Census. That age group is roughly one third of the entire population. It is that generation’s fate that is being debated on Capitol Hill. Health Care, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and taxation affects everyone but the costs will more heavily burden this and the next generation. Starting in December, the Dan Arnett campaign will begin touring area schools and universities in order to give students a chance to ask tough questions and to make their voices heard. “I believe it is important for this generation to step up to the plate. If we want our republic to succeed, it will be up to us.” Dan encourages students to be informed, to vote, and to run for office.
December 3, 2009 – Q & A with Dan Arnett at Murray State College. Time: 2pm. Location Aggie Dining Hall in the Student Union, Tishomingo, OK.
December 8, 2009 - Q & A with Dan Arnett at Coal County. Time: 6pm. Location: Esther's Country Grill in Coalgate.
December 10, 2009 – Q & A with Dan Arnett at Oklahoma Christian University. Time: 7pm. Location: Williams-Branch Center for Biblical Studies room 124.
January 14, 2010 – Q & A with Dan Arnett at Northeastern Oklahoma A & M College. Time 12:15pm. Location: Coppen Hall Room 119, Miami, OK.
February 1, 2010 – Bryan County GOP and Conservative Club. Time: 6:30-8pm. Location: TBA.
February 23, 2010 – Q & A with Dan Arnett with the Okfuskee County GOP. Time: 6:30. Location: Brick Street Cafe in Okemah, OK.
The list will be updated as times and locations are settled upon. Additionally, negotiations are under way with the schools and/or other campus organizations to set up a “Q & A with Dan Arnett” at the following colleges and universities for January and February: Bacone College, Carl Albert State College, Eastern Oklahoma State College, Northeastern State University, Oklahoma State University, Oral Roberts University, Rogers State University, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, The University of Oklahoma.
If you would like to have Dan Arnett come to your school, whether a college or high school, Please contact Dan at dan@danarnettforcongress.com.
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