In commemoration of the 236th anniversary of the original Boston Tea Party, the public is invited to participate in the upcoming Muskogee-area Tea Party to be held at the Muskogee Civic Center (Room C - second floor; 4th & Okmulgee) on Wednesday, December 16th, from noon to 1:30pm.
This is an opportunity for citizens to express their concerns about the direction Congress and the White House are taking our country.
The goal of the Tea Party movement is to encourage citizens to get involved and let their voices be heard. This is a non-partisan event and open to all Americans who want to protect their freedoms and futures.
The format will be a bit different than previous Muskogee Tea Parties. We'll be doing this "popcorn" style - anyone who wants to speak will have a certain amount of time (probably about 2 minutes) to speak, and then the next person in line will get the microphone. Since there is not going to be a set program to follow as in previous events, feel free to just drop in for a while if you don't have time to stay for the entire Tea Party.
For more information, go to www.teapartymuskogee.com or contact organizer Jamison Faught, 869-6000.
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