The 2nd Congressional District Republican Party will be holding its first quarterly meeting of 2010 on Saturday, January 23rd in Muskogee at the Muskogee Public Library, 1:00-3:30 pm. State Sen. and gubernatorial candidate Randy Brogdon (R-Owasso) will be the main guest speaker. State GOP Chairman Gary Jones will give a presentation on voter registration during the meeting.
The Oklahoma Republican Party will be holding a Candidate Training School for local, state and federal candidates from 8:30 am-12:30 pm, at the offices of R&D Medtech, located at 300A West Shawnee in Muskogee, just west of El Chico . The cost is $10 (refreshments will be provided). Please let us know if you will be attending the training so we will know how many to plan for. The training will be held in Muskogee in conjunction with the District 2 meeting, with the exact location for the training to be announced soon.
For more information, or to RSVP for the candidate school, contact 2nd District chairwoman Jo Rainbolt (918.857.1718 or j.rainbolt@cox.net), or the Muskogee County Republican Party (918.616.1747 or gop@muskogeerepublicans.org).
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