Sen. Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-Muskogee), landed on the UK Telegraph's "Most Influential US Conservatives" top 100 list. The Telegraph first issued their list in 2007, and subsequently followed up with this 2010 list.
Coburn placed at number 37; he was number 43 in 2007.
Said the Telegraph regarding Coburn:
"Outspoken, conservative to the core and unafraid to take on the Republican leadership or give Democrats a chance when they deserve it, Coburn is one of the most unusual politicians in Washington. It would be more correct to describe him as an anti-politician since he is a doctor first and foremost and disdains the political class. Arrived in Washington as part of the Republican revolution of 1994 but left after his self-imposed term limit was up. Returned as a Senator but one always senses he would prefer to be back home in Oklahoma."Coburn's influence continues to grow, especially with the ongoing health-care reform debate. It's good to see someone in the media notice that. Still, I would love for Coburn to rank much higher on the list; the conservative movement and the Republican Party both need more men like him.
"A crusader against abortion rights, he once said: “I favour the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life.” Also stated that “the gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power”. Since then (both statements were in 2004), he has mellowed a touch. Was personally friendly to Obama when they were both in the Senate and speaks warmly of the President’s character and intention. Refused to jump on the Republican bandwagon this week by branding Senator Harry Reid a racist. A passionate opponent of "pork barrel" spending, whether by Republicans or Democrats. Still regarded by many as one of the consciences of the conservative movement."
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