Is Mary Fallin breaking state ethics rules with her Fallin for Governor texting club? Jai Blevins at the Musings of an American Everyman thinks so, and apparently, the Oklahoma Ethics Commission is thinking twice about it.
The issue arose from the following post on Twitter from the Fallin campaign: "Text "BECK" to 68683 and you'll be entered 2 win a pair of tickets 2 see Glenn #Beck LIVE in Tulsa. (Standard text messaging rates apply)"
Blevins followed the instructions, and received this response: "Good luck, and thanks for entering! You've also been added to Fallin 4 Governor mobile club. rply STOP GOMARY 2 optout. stdrd txt rts apply."
Click here for the entire story from Blevins.
I'm not familiar with the specific campaign rules so not aware what rules this might have violated. I'm interested to see what comes out of his contacting the Ethics Commission.
ReplyDeleteI also didn't see the tweet that he is referring to, but I received it via her campaign email update. (Fyi, Not a particular supporter of Fallin....I receive updates for both Fallin and Brogdon so I know what's going on) Did you see that? She did specify in the email that if you texted to be entered in the drawing, your number would be automatically signed up for their text updates throughout the campaign.
Twitter doesn't allow enough characters to include that information, but maybe they would have done well to include a link with the "Small print"?
Again, not familiar with the ethics codes for campaigns, so I'm not sure the specific violations.
Care to enlighten me?
I am personally unsure of any ethics rules that would be violated by this, and am awaiting what Blevins will report from the Ethics Commission.
ReplyDeleteWell, I would think that most people would just assume that the campain was getting their information. The presumption seems to be that people who want to see Glen Beck would want to support her campaign.