The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, the endorsing arm of the organization, issued the following statement today.
Rumor Control:
NRA-PVF Has Not Issued Any Endorsement in the Race for Attorney General!
Recently, it was erroneously reported on an Oklahoma City political news program that the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) had issued an endorsement in the race for Attorney General for the July primary election. This report is untrue and has caused no small amount of confusion among NRA members and political candidates, alike.
Please note that NRA-PVF has made NO endorsement in this or any other race as of today, Tuesday, February 23. The false statement was made by a third party and not by any of the candidates for Attorney General.
Please continue checking your email and www.NRAPVF.org for candidate grades and endorsements.
I have not been able to locate where it was stated that the NRA-PVF had endorsed a candidate, neither have I found out which candidate was rumored to have been the recipient.
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