In a surprising announcement this evening, sitting councilman Bob Luttrull (Ward I) has resigned. Luttrull stated that the resignation was for health reasons; however, the timing is suspect.
It is well know that Luttrull did not get along well with Mayor John Tyler Hammons, who was handily reelected this evening. If Luttrull's health issues were dire enough to merit resignation, why didn't he resign before the filing period, in order to give candidates a chance to run for office?
A replacement councilor will be recommended by the mayor, and must be approved by the city council. Given the suddenness of the resignation, there is no indication from the mayor as to whom he might recommend.
UPDATE: The announcement was made in the afternoon, before the polls closed, essentially proving that it was not made due to election results. There has been no further elaboration on the particulars of why.
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