Ryan Leonard (pictured) came out swinging today against his opponent's record on illegal immigration.
Scott Pruitt, the other Republican in the race for Attorney General, announced today his intent to sue the federal government for failing to uphold immigration laws, with the aim of recovering the cost illegal immigrants cost the state of Oklahoma.
Leonard responded with a 'Fact Sheet' on Pruitt's "Real Record on Immigration":
Fact Sheet: Scott Pruitt’s Real Record on Immigration
Scott Pruitt today announced that if elected Attorney General that he would file a lawsuit against the Federal Government to recoup money spent on illegal immigrants – however, Pruitt’s record indicates that he has a history of supporting legislation that rewards illegal immigrants.
Scott Pruitt has supported efforts to make it easier for Illegal Immigrants in Oklahoma to take advantage of taxpayer funded benefits and make it more difficult for Law Enforcement officials to crack down on illegal immigrants. When given the opportunity to crack down on illegal immigration, Scott Pruitt has failed.
In 2003, when Pruitt was in the State Senate he championed and voted for Senate Bill 596 which provided in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. The bill ultimately afforded illegal immigrants the same status and rights as legal Oklahoma residents and cost taxpayers dollars.
The bill Pruitt supported led a conservative Republican Senator to ask some of his fellow legislators a basic question:“My question to conservatives in favor of this bill is, What part of illegal do you not understand?”
- Republican Senate Leader James Williamson “Immigrant tuition bill passes Senate,” Daily Oklahoman, 5/8/03)
In 2007, shortly after Pruitt left the State Senate for an unsuccessful run for Lt. Governor, the State Legislature repealed Senate Bill 596.
Senate Bill 596 wasn’t the only time Pruitt wanted to help Illegal immigrants. In 2001, the Tulsa World reported that as a candidate for Congress, Pruitt opposed increasing the powers of law enforcement officials to curb illegal immigration. According to the report, Pruitt “specifically opposed expanding the powers of any agencies responsible for enforcing immigration laws”. (1st District Candidates Differ On Immigration” Tulsa World, 11/29/01)
Ryan Leonard on Immigration
Ryan Leonard supports a strong federal policy cracking down on Illegal Immigration and has consistently been on record supporting State efforts to stop illegal immigrants from enjoying taxpayer funded benefits.
As Attorney General, Ryan Leonard will vigorously enforce the immigration laws of the State of Oklahoma.
You can learn more about Ryan Leonard's campaign at www.RyanLeonard2010.com. Ron Black has posted the Pruitt press release on suing the Feds over immigration. You can learn more about Scott Pruitt's candidacy by visiting www.ScottPruitt.com.
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