Patrick McGuigan of CapitolBeatOK.com interviewed State Sen. Jim Wilson today, after he filed to run against Congressman Dan Boren. Wilson had some interesting words to say about Boren.
Wilson said, "I can’t outspend him." He continued, "I've been pleasantly surprised at how much of a backlash there has been" against Boren's votes opposing the health care law. Asked if he considers Boren a Democrat, Wilson said, "No."
Soon after Wilson filed on Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Boren emailed the following statement to CapitolBeatOK:
"I have always had a close personal relationship with Jim Wilson and hope to continue it. I simply believe his views are far too liberal to represent the mainstream thoughts of the people of the Second District. I will continue to work as hard as I can to take independent Oklahoma thinking to Washington."
You can view the rest of the interview here.
I'm one of the Democrats that will be voting for the Democrat that represents the Democratic platform, Jim Wilson. I will be in the minority I'm sure, and after Boren wins, I will vote against him again by voting for whoever wins the Republican nomination. Once again, I'm sure he'll win. I will vote for the other candidate as long as this misrepresenting Democrat is in office.