Wisconsin GOP Chairman and RNC Chair candidate Reince Priebus picked up two of Oklahoma's three Republican National Committee votes, as State GOP Chairman Matt Pinnell and National Committeeman James Dunn endorsed Priebus.

State Chairman Matt Pinnell: "We have a number of qualified candidates for RNC Chair - but at the end of the day I was most comfortable with Reince's qualifications and vision for the RNC. Reince is a Young Gun GOP rising star, and represents the best and the future of this Party."

National Committeeman James Dunn: "Reince Priebus has consistently demonstrated his ability and desire to work with all Republicans with differing views to find the common ground required for the RNC to achieve victory in 2012. Reince has a long history of leading his state party to record election victories and organizational fund raising while upholding the integrity and honor of Republican values. His commitment to lead with a servant's heart convinces me that Reince Priebus is the right Republican for the 2012 campaign cycle as RNC Chairman."
Currently, National Committeewoman Carolyn McLarty is undeclared as to her support.
According to National Journal's Hotline On Call blog, Priebus leads the field of six candidates in public commitments thus far with 22. Current chairman Michael Steele is in second place with 12 commitments. It takes 85 votes to win the election; last time, it took six rounds of voting to whittle the candidates down enough for Michael Steele to emerge as victor.
Watch Priebus' YouTube candidacy announcement video here:
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