HD75 special election candidate Tressa Nunley has been endorsed by former State Rep. John Wright (R-Broken Arrow):
"It is impossible to predict every issue that will come before the Legislature. However, if you send someone who shares your principles, values, and convictions, when the issues arise, they are likely to decide and vote on them as you would. I know Tressa Nunley to be Pro-Life, a person of sincere faith, and a candidate who is trusted by several of my conservative friends."
- John A. Wright
Oklahoma State Representative (1998-2010)
Chief Deputy, Tulsa County Assessor's Office
Nunley has also been endorsed by Tulsa County Assessor Ken Yazel and State Rep. George Faught (R-Muskogee). The Republican primary will be held on May 9th. A district map can be viewed here. Four Republicans and two Democrats are running to fill the seat being vacated by disgraced Rep. Dan Kirby, who resigned after an investigation into his alleged sexual harassment of two previous legislative assistants.
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