Welcome to the new Oklahoma Republican Party. Today, 44 GOP State Representatives voted to make it easier for the Legislature to raise your taxes.
Below are the Republicans who voted to pass HJR 1050 this afternoon. HJR 1050 lowers the 3/4ths (75%) threshold for legislative approval of revenue raising measures put in place by SQ640 down to 2/3rds (66.7%). 39 of them also voted against tabling an amendment which would have gutted SQ640 even more by making the threshold 3/5ths (60%). The measure squeaked by on a 51-41 vote, and now heads to the State Senate. If passed there, it will become a State Question for a statewide vote.
Remember these names. Every last one of them, if running for reelection, should receive a primary challenger and be voted out of office. Three of them are running for statewide office this year; Randy McDaniel for State Treasurer, Glen Mulready for Insurance Commissioner, and Leslie Osborn for Labor Commissioner.
In addition to these Republicans, 7 Democrats voted for the measure to weaken the taxpayer protections put into the Constitution by SQ640: Meloyde Blancett (Dist. 78), Ed Cannaday (Dist. 15), Donnie Condit (Dist. 17), Mickey Dollens (Dist. 93), Jason Dunnington (Dist. 88), Jacob Rosecrants (Dist. 46), and Collin Walke (Dist. 87).
In stark contrast, below are the taxpayer heroes who voted against this atrocious bill. These members should be thanked for their stand. 24 are Republicans, while 17 are Democrats.
Of the Muskogee-area representatives, only Reps. George Faught (R, Dist. 14) and Matt Meredith (D, Dist. 4) voted to protect taxpayers. Reps. Ed Cannaday (D, Dist. 15), Scott Fetgatter (R, Dist. 16), Avery Frix (R, Dist. 13) voted to make it easier to raise taxes on Oklahomans. Rep. Kevin McDugle (R, Dist. 12) did not vote.
I have asked all of the candidates for Governor for their comments on HJR 1050 and SQ640 in general, and will post their responses tomorrow morning.
Real Republicans have a lot of work ahead of them for the June primaries.
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