Thursday, May 31, 2018

Fallin names former State Sen. James Williamson as Secretary of State

Governor Mary Fallin Names General Counsel and Former State Senator James Williamson as Secretary of State OKLAHOMA CITY – Governor Mary Fallin today announced that James Williamson, who has served as her general counsel, will serve as secretary of state. He will continue to provide legal and policy advice as he did in...

Buckley: Make No-Mans Land Matter

Colton Buckley, Republican candidate for HD61, is running to Make No-Mans Land Matter: HD61 covers the Panhandle and portions of northwestern Oklahoma. Buckley is one of three Republicans and one Democrat running to replace former Rep. Casey Murdock, who was elected to the vacant Senate seat for the area earlier this year in a special electi...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

1889 Institute calls for restructuring boards and commissions

1889 INSTITUTE CALLS FOR RESTRUCTURING BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Potential for corruption is currently baked in OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. (May 29, 2018) – The 1889 Institute, an Oklahoma state policy think tank, has  published “Baked-In Corruption: The Need to Reform Boards and Commissions.” It argues that legislatures give...

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Want to vote in the June primary? Registration closes Friday

Voter registration deadline for State Primary Election approaches (Oklahoma City) – The deadline to register for the June 26 State Primary Election is fast approaching, Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said Tuesday. Voters have until Friday, June 1 to register to vote, change their address or update...

Monday, May 28, 2018

FreedomWorks endorses Dahm in CD1 GOP Primary

FreedomWorks for America Endorses Nathan Dahm for Congress in OK-01 Washington, DC- FreedomWorks for America is proud to endorse State Senator Nathan Dahm in the OK-01 congressional race to replace retiring Rep. Jim Bridenstine. Dahm is a small business entrepreneur with widespread grassroots support in the district....

Music Monday: Taps

In honor of Memorial Day today and in recognition of the estimated 1.35 million American soldiers who have died during war since 1775, this week's Music Monday is Taps, played here by buglers of The United States Army Band "Pershing's Own" in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.. Enjoy! See below for all previous Music Monday posts. Do you have a song you'd like to suggest...

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Incoming Senate Pro Tem Treat announces next floor leader, appropriations chair

Incoming Senate Pro Tem announces picks for next floor leader, appropriations chair OKLAHOMA CITY - Senator Greg Treat, Majority Floor Leader and Republicans’ selection to serve as the next Senate leader, on Wednesday announced the senators who will round out his leadership team. Treat said Senator Kim David, current...

Friday, May 25, 2018

Richardson touts new poll, tied with Cornett in 3rd

GARY RICHARDSON LEAPS FORWARD IN LATEST POLL  May 25, 2018 --  A new poll released today shows conservative GOP Candidate for Governor, Gary Richardson, is well-positioned to make the primary runoff.  The poll shows Richardson tied for third place and within the margin of error for second place.  ...

Keating, Rainbolt respond to attacks on Attorney General Hunter

KEATING AND RAINBOLT STATEMENTS ON FALSE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST ATTORNEY GENERAL MIKE HUNTER OKLAHOMA CITY - The following statements were released by former Governor Frank Keating, former President and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers as well as President and CEO of the American Bankers Association, and David...

Thursday, May 24, 2018

'Yes on 793' turns in 255k signatures for eye care referendum

YES ON 793 TURNS IN MORE THAN A QUARTER MILLION SIGNATURES IN SUPPORT OF BALLOT QUESTION TO EXPAND ACCESS TO EYE CARE FOR OKLAHOMANS Greater Access And More Affordable, Quality Vision Care Now One Step Closer For Oklahoma Patients OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (MAY 24) — Yes on 793 delivered 255,018 signatures to the Oklahoma Secretary...

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

SoonerPoll on LtGov race: Murphy 7.2%, Pinnell 6.6%

Last night, numbers were released from a SoonerPoll survey conducted for KWTV (OKC's News9) and KOTV (Tulsa's News on 6) on the statewide primaries. Here are the GOP lieutenant governor's race numbers: SoonerPoll/News9/News on 6 Oklahoma GOP LtGov Poll (PDF link)  622 likely Oklahoma voters (321 Republicans),...

SoonerPoll on AG race: Drummond 26%, Hunter 9%

Last night, numbers were released from a SoonerPoll survey conducted for KWTV (OKC's News9) and KOTV (Tulsa's News on 6) on the attorney general race. Here are the GOP primary numbers: SoonerPoll/News9/News on 6 Oklahoma GOP Attorney General Poll (PDF link)  622 likely Oklahoma voters (321 Republicans), conducted...

SoonerPoll: Lamb 23.3%, Cornett 20.4%, Stitt 13.5%

Last night, numbers were released from a SoonerPoll survey conducted for KWTV (OKC's News9) and KOTV (Tulsa's News on 6) on the statewide primaries. Here are the GOP gubernatorial race numbers: SoonerPoll/News9/News on 6 Oklahoma GOP Gubernatorial Poll (PDF link)  622 likely Oklahoma voters (321 Republicans),...

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

OK Farm Bureau's PAC endorses candidates, including Lamb and Hunter

OKAgFund endorses, funds candidates in state elections The OKAgFund, Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s political action committee, has endorsed 22 candidates and donated to 71 candidates running for election in statewide, state Senate and state House races. The OKAgFund board met Friday, May 18, to donate a total of $63,000 to candidates...

Cornett launches new TV commercial

Cornett Campaign Launches Newest Commercial “Diversify” draws contrast between inaction of state government and Mick’s record as Mayor OKLAHOMA CITY – Mick Cornett’s campaign for governor on Tuesday released a new campaign advertisement titled “Diversify” which highlights Mick’s leadership in growing and diversifying...

Lamb launches third TV ad

Lamb Campaign Releases Third Television Ad Primary Election - June 26  OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, May 22, 2018 – Oklahomans for Lamb unveiled its third television advertisement today in support of Republican gubernatorial candidate Todd Lamb. The 30-second ad features excerpts from Lamb’s RENEW Oklahoma plan. In February,...

Monday, May 21, 2018

OCPA column: Look closer at Texas on teacher pay

Look closely at Texas on teacher pay by Jonathan Small, president of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) The Fort Worth Independent School District has rented ten billboards around Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, and Tulsa advertising starting teacher salaries of $52,000 a year. Instructive. If we truly...

Music Monday: Liszt's La Campanella

This week's Music Monday is Paganini Etude No. 3 ("La Campanella"), by the great 19th century Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt. One of my favorite piano pieces -- and incredibly difficult to play -- it's performed here by Hungarian pianist Ádám György. Enjoy! See below for all previous Music Monday posts. Do you have a song you'd like to suggest for a future Music...

OK County Sheriff P.D. Taylor endorses Cathy Costello

SHERIFF P.D. TAYLOR ENDORSES CATHY COSTELLO FOR LABOR COMMISSIONER      May 21, 2018 --  Oklahoma County Sheriff P.D. Taylor is endorsing Cathy Costello in the Republican Primary for Labor Commissioner.  Taylor is also his encouraging colleagues in law enforcement to do the same.    ...

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Gov. Fallin recaps successes of 2018 legislative session

Governor Mary Fallin Highlights Successes in 2018 Legislative Session OKLAHOMA CITY – Governor Mary Fallin today complimented lawmakers for passing criminal justice reform legislation, appropriating a record amount of funding for public schools, and approving a budget for the upcoming fiscal year without cuts to state...