Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Stitt vetoes three bills

As the legislative session approaches its final month, measures that passed both chambers are being sent to the Governor for final action. Yesterday, Governor Kevin Stitt signed 28 Senate bills and 16 House bills and vetoed two Senate bills and one House bill. So far in the 2019 session, Stitt has received 152 Senate Bills,...

Stitt appoints five to State Board of Corrections

GOVERNOR STITT ANNOUNCES FIVE APPOINTMENTS TO THE STATE BOARD OF CORRECTIONS Oklahoma City, Okla. (April 30, 2019)— Governor Kevin Stitt announced today five appointments to the State Board of Corrections. “I am pleased to welcome five new members to the State Board of Corrections,” said Stitt. “They will each bring a...

Monday, April 29, 2019

Music Monday: Have Faith in God (Muskogee's hymn)

This week's Music Monday is Have Faith in God, was composed in Muskogee in 1934 by the great Southern Baptist hymn-writer B.B. McKinney. Here's a little more about the Muskogee tie to this hymn: B. B. McKinney was assisting in a revival meeting at the First Baptist Church, Muskogee, Oklahoma. Dr. C. C. Morris, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Ada, Oklahoma, was the evangelist during...

Stitt signs bill aimed at increasing volunteer firefighter ranks

Governor Signs Bill to Increase Number of Volunteer Firefighters OKLAHOMA CITY – Governor Stitt on Thursday signed into law a bill that will allow retired paid firefighters to return to service as volunteers without effecting their state pensions. House Bill 2051, authored by House Majority Leader Mike Sanders, R-Kingfisher,...

Senate Pro Tem appoints Daryl Woodard to DOC board

Senate Pro Tem appoints Daryl Woodard to DOC board OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat announced Monday his appointment of Daryl Woodard of Tulsa to the board of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Woodard is the chief executive officer of SageNet, a Tulsa-based technology firm. He is Treat’s...

Saturday, April 27, 2019

OCPA column: Is smart legislating a conspiracy?

Is smart legislating a conspiracy? By Jonathan Small, OCPA President You may have seen some recent news stories bemoaning the fact that many pieces of legislation are not totally original, and quite a few ideas that become law originated and were tested and debated elsewhere. First came USA Today, in collaboration with...

Friday, April 26, 2019

Stitt announces four appointments to State Board of Education

GOVERNOR STITT ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENTS TO THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Oklahoma City, Okla. (April 26, 2019)— Governor Kevin Stitt announced today four appointments to the Oklahoma State Board of Education. “Each of our new board members is a qualified leader who is passionate about education in our state,” said Stitt....

Senate President Treat appoints Bob Boyd to OHCA board

Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat appoints Bob Boyd to Health Care Authority board OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat on Tuesday announced his appointment of Robert “Bob” Boyd of Owasso to the board of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. Under legislation signed into law in March, the Health Care Authority...

State Senate advances criminal justice reform measures

Senate advances criminal justice reform bills Bills return to House for action OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Senate on Thursday advanced a series of criminal justice reform measures that provide uniformity of certain drug offenses, improve parole supervision, and cap excessive sentences for nonviolent offenses, among...

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Terry Neese launches campaign for 5th District GOP nomination

TERRY NEESE LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN FOR OKLAHOMA’S 5TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT SEAT Neese: “I have spent my entire career fighting for more opportunities for men, women, and families to help them secure brighter futures – and that is exactly what I will continue to do as your Representative in Congress.” Oklahoma City, OK –...

Stitt signs judicial redistricting bill

GOVERNOR KEVIN STITT SIGNS JUDICIAL REDISTRICTING LEGISLATION OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma (April 25, 2019) – Governor Kevin Stitt today signed House Bill 2366, which modifies the judicial districts for both the Oklahoma Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals. “I applaud the Legislature for their dedication to government...

New members join OCPA Board of Trustees

New members join OCPA Board of Trustees OKLAHOMA CITY (April 23, 2019) – Dr. Keith Smith and W. Carey Johnson have joined the board of trustees for the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, giving the free-market think tank additional expertise in the health care and retail fields. “Keith Smith and Carey Johnson are highly...

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Walkingstick comments on mudslinging by opponents in Cherokee chief race

DAVID WALKINGSTICK STATEMENT ON SCURRILOUS ALLEGATIONS MADE BY POLITICAL OPPONENTS Over the past week, two complaints were filed against David Walkingstick with the Cherokee Nation Election Commission by opponents of his campaign for Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, including one complaint filed by a staff member...

Senate President calls out OSC’s use of ‘special law’ to strike down workers’ comp provision

Senate leadership calls out Supreme Court’s use of ‘special law’ to strike down workers’ comp provision OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate President Pro Tem Greg Treat criticized the Oklahoma Supreme Court’s use of the “special law” provision of the Oklahoma Constitution to strike down the non-economic damages cap of landmark lawsuit...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Governor Stitt releases First 100 Days in Office Accomplishments report

GOVERNOR KEVIN STITT RELEASES FIRST 100 DAYS IN OFFICE ACCOMPLISHMENTS REPORT  Oklahoma City, Okla. (April 23, 2019) – Governor Kevin Stitt released today his First 100 Days in Office Accomplishments report. The report focuses on the Stitt administration's progress thus far and displays the work being done to improve...

Bill to Increase Number of Volunteer Firefighters Heads to Governor

Bill to Increase Number of Volunteer Firefighters Heads to Governor OKLAHOMA CITY – A bill that would allow retired firefighters to return to service as volunteers without affecting their state pensions passed the state Senate today with a unanimous vote of 42-0. House Bill 2051, authored by House Majority Leader Mike...

Saturday, April 20, 2019

OCPA column: Helping kids is good sense – and popular

Helping kids is good sense – and popular By Jonathan Small, President of OCPA Oklahoma ranks poorly in national comparisons of educational achievement. This year lawmakers have a proven way to start improving those statistics. Senate Bill 407 would increases tax credits that can be issued for donations to programs giving...

Friday, April 19, 2019

OCPA statement on Medicaid expansion ballot initiative

Statement from Jonathan Small, president of the Oklahoma Council for Public Affairs, on the filing of a ballot initiative to put Medicaid expansion on the ballot.  “There isn’t support in the Legislature or the public for forcing Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma for a simple reason: It prioritizes spending...