Monday, July 31, 2023

A Blogging Milestone: 15 Years of MuskogeePolitico

15 years ago this evening, I started The Musings of a MuskogeePolitico (later shortened to simply MuskogeePolitico). As an eighteen year-old at the time, I had no idea that this project would still be going in fifteen years later!

Since starting this site, I've published 5,357 posts, had somewhere in the neighborhood of 4.5 million hits, and received over 1,600 reader comments (plus thousands more on Facebook and Twitter). In 2011, my blog was named one of the top three political blogs in Oklahoma. Since 2008, my posts have been referenced in major newspapers, and my readers have included sitting members of Congress and state Supreme Court justices. My work has been referenced on the campaign trail, and in political mail and ads on television.

Through my blogging, I've made friends and connections across the country that I otherwise would not have met. It's been a great experience, and for that I'm grateful.

Now for some highlights...

Here are the most-read posts in 15 years:

  1. State Rep. Gann: Legislative proxy voting is reckless and dangerous, March 19th, 2020; apparently, the "thumbs-down" photo in this post ranked high in Google Images search! (~63,000 views)
  2. OK Cattlemen's Association compiling list of members selling beef direct-to-consumer, April 29th, 2020; this post went viral during soaring beef prices at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. (~27,000 views)
  3. OK Primary: Trump sets record vote for incumbent president, March 3rd, 2020; this post received a ton a shares on Facebook the night of and day after the 2020 presidential primary. (~25,000 views, mostly within three days)
  4. Poll: Cornett 15.2%, Lamb 13.8%, Richardson 10%, March 14th, 2018; this got a big boost from social media advertising by the Richardson for Governor campaign. (~20,000 views)
  5. Coburn endorses Cathy Costello for Labor Commissioner, March 27th, 2018; I believe this was the beneficiary of another candidate advertising campaign on social media. (~18,000 views)
  6. OK Cattlemen release list of producers selling beef direct to consumer, April 30th, 2020; same as #2. (~17,400 views)
  7. IT'S OFFICIAL: Mullin files for 2018, breaking term limits pledge, April 15th, 2017; this, along with follow-up posts, was pretty big news in Oklahoma politics for several weeks. (~16,000 views)
  8. Stitt signs Coburn's Oklahoma Taxpayer Platform pledge, March 28th, 2018; this came during a 'hot' time in Oklahoma politics, as Dr. Coburn had waded into the fight against Gov. Fallin's tax hikes. (~15,000 views)
  9. Here's what you need to know about the judges on the ballot, October 26th, 2020; this was the first of my detailed mega-posts on judicial retention ballots. Starting with this, I've made an effort to compile information on judges in successive elections. (~14,000 views)
  10. Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliott, McDugle supporter, terminates McDugle's challenger, May 8th, 2018; this went viral on social media locally. (~13,000 views)
  11. Muskogee Arkansas River Flood: Areas to Watch, May 21st, 2019; during the historic 2019 flooding, I was the first outlet to publish a flood prediction map for the Muskogee area, with a widely-shared update two days later that was pretty much spot-on accurate, if I say so myself. (~10,000 views)
Aside from the above list, some of my most popular and anticipated posts have been regular series, particularly my Voter Registration Maps and Election Results Maps. In 2017 and 2018, I had a focus on the Fallin Tax Hike proposals that caused a huge fight in the legislature (I like to think that I helped to kill her $1.7B sales tax hike by elevating the conservative opposition's message). 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County posts went viral in 2020.

I've posted my personal recommendations and endorsements for elections of all levels since 2010. Posts from 2nd Congressional District campaigns have been a particular focus. While I aim to be fair and reasonable, posting news and press releases from just about anyone on the right-wing of the Oklahoma political spectrum, I make no bones about about weighing in for the candidates I prefer. I particularly got involved with my blog in the 2010, 2016, 2018, and 2022 CD2 races. I think my efforts in 2022, in particular, played a small role in the election of Josh Brecheen over Avery Frix (my posts and data received many references during the campaign by several candidates and PACs).

Sometimes, "real" life gets in the way of blogging. Blogging is not how I make a living to provide for my family (but if you'd like to help out and advertise, let me know!), so while my posts may be infrequent at times, I do my best to keep at it regularly.

Whether you agree with my opinions or not, I'm grateful that you continue to stop by to read them.

Thanks for a great 15 years, and I hope you'll join me for more 'Politics, News, and Conservative Views'!

Jamison Faught


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