Monday, February 26, 2024

OKGOP Chairman Dahm: Clarity for Unity

OKGOP Chairman Nathan Dahm sent out the following last week, addressing some ongoing drama and disagreement within the grassroots party structure:

'Clarity for Unity'

Since I was elected as OKGOP Chairman, I’ve called for Unity in the Republican Party for us to accomplish the main goal before us: defeating Joe Biden & his rogue regime that is intentionally trying to destroy our country. In fact, the rules of the Republican Party shows that the focus for this 2024 election cycle is having conventions all leading up to electing delegates for the National Convention this summer. Anything beyond that is not what the rules require as our focus for 2024.

Unfortunately, there are those who are deliberately causing division, confusion, & destruction in the Republican Party. A house divided against itself cannot stand, which is apparently what they desire. Scripture also says that people also perish for lack of knowledge, which is why they have focused on misleading so many people in their attempts to cause division. The OKGOP will continue to focus on the rules, which are abundantly clear that what is required this year are the conventions leading up to the national convention, not the divisions & distractions being created by others.

For additional clarity on the rules & roles of the OKGOP I’ve created this video. Not every attempt by others will receive a response like this, because doing so would allow those who are deliberately trying to cause divisions to further consume time & resources away from the actual focus of the party. However, it is important for people to know & understand the truth, especially when there are so many falsehoods being deliberately spread by those trying to cause division & destruction, which is why I’ve recorded this video.

Together we can save the Republic, but we must have unity to do so. I’ll continue to call for unity & work towards the actual goals & roles of the OKGOP. I’m thankful for everyone who is willing to do the same & we encourage you to get involved, stay involved, & don’t let the divisive & destructive actions of others push you out from helping us save the Republic by working through the Republican Party.

For the People,

Nathan Dahm
OKGOP Chairman


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