Thursday, April 04, 2024

Oklahoma political party chairs with advice for new candidates

With candidate filing for federal, state, and local office now in progress, I reached out to the chairs of Oklahoma's three political parties with a questionnaire on filing for office, and specifically regarding helpful considerations for those running or considering running for the first time:

  • What are your top three or four recommendations for first time candidates?
  • What are some resources you have to help candidates during primaries?
  • How do you help voters know about the election process and candidates for office?
  • Contact information for individuals who may be interested in talking about running for office.

I felt this would be an interesting topic to discuss and potentially helpful to candidates out there.

Oklahoma Republican Chair Nathan Dahm and Oklahoma Democratic Party Chair Alicia Andrews both eventually got back with my initial contact, but failed to submit any answers to the questions.

Oklahoma Libertarian Party Chair Chris Powell did respond with the following (and a big thanks for his time in doing so). Here are his comments:

  • What are your top three or four recommendations for first time candidates?

"When someone expresses an interest in running for office to me the first thing I want to know is what they are trying to accomplish.  When an individual considers their motivations, I can then advise them to think about if running at the local, state, or federal level best suits their goals.  Obviously understanding all of the rules to get on the ballot and comply with campaign finance law is in order.  Most importantly, I urge candidates to run in such a way that they will be able to look back and feel as though it was worthwhile regardless of the outcome, such as by increasing awareness of issues that otherwise would not be discussed or by building interest in the Libertarian Party."

  • What are some resources you have to help candidates during primaries?

"The Libertarian Party doesn't have primaries very often but that doesn't mean that candidates don't have an opportunity to put useful effort towards their campaigns.  We can provide voter lists, assistance with campaign finance and filing paperwork, and other campaign advice."

  • How do you help voters know about the election process and candidates for office?

"I am a big believer in getting out on the doorsteps of prospective voters, encouraging our candidates and volunteers to engage in this kind of direct contact early and often.  Naturally we use soc contact information for individuals who may be interested in talking to you about running for office.

"Libertarians interested in running for office may email Chris Powell at or Jake Spann at"


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