Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hamilton's bill raising election poll worker pay goes into effect

Oklahoma routinely needs more election day polling place workers. This is a good piece of legislation:

Hamilton’s Legislation Increasing Poll Worker Pay Takes Effect

OKLAHOMA CITY – Legislation authored by Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, to increase pay for election day poll workers took effect July 1, 2024. Senate Bill 290 increased election inspector pay from $110 to $225, and doubled pay for election clerks and judges, from $100 to $200.

“The dedicated Oklahomans who staff our polling places often work 12 to 14 hour days, and until now, have not been adequately compensated for their work,” Hamilton said. “SB 290 was designed to not only share our appreciation for Oklahoma poll workers but also to recruit and retain election day staff. With multiple elections still on the calendar this year, including the presidential election in November, many counties are still in need of poll workers. I am hopeful that this compensation increase will encourage Oklahomans to take part in our local elections and help combat the poll worker shortage we have seen in recent years. We need these committed community members more than ever as election integrity starts at our local polling places.” 

SB 290 was unanimously approved by both chambers of the Legislature during the 2023 session and was signed into law by Gov. Kevin Stitt in June 2023.


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