Thursday, July 18, 2024

Muskogee City Council backtracks, postpones $78M bond issue, sales tax renewal

Back in May, the Muskogee City Council voted to set an August 27th election for a $78.6M general obligation bond and sales tax proposal. It had a rushed feeling to it, and there's been quite a bit of local controversy over it. Earlier this week, the council held a special meeting and voted to postpone to vote for further community input.


City Council Votes to Postpone GO Bond Election

MUSKOGEE, OKLA., July 15, 2024 - In a Special Call City Council meeting held on Monday, July 15, the Muskogee City Council voted to postpone the upcoming General Obligation Bond Election.

“Almost everyone I’ve talked to is in favor of investing in Muskogee and likes the projects put forward, but I feel like we could use a few more months to consider the issues,” said Mayor Patrick Cale. 

The election was originally scheduled for August 27 and included three GO Bond propositions and one CIP sales tax extension. For the first time in 50 years, the City of Muskogee planned to ask voters for $78.6 million to improve public safety, streets and bridges, and community facilities. 

Since the election was announced, there have been many discussions on the propositions in the community

“I’m excited about the opportunities this bond could bring for Muskogee,” Cale said. “Slowing down a little bit allows us to take more time to inform our citizens and make sure they are part of the bond process.” 

“We got here because of the needs of our community,” added Deputy Mayor Derrick Reed. “This council is going to come back and address these needs. We want to make Muskogee a better place. Our theme for the GO bond was building a better Muskogee, and we are going to build a better Muskogee.” 

The City Council plans to form citizen groups to give input on the projects and the terms of the bond proposal, as well as communicate with business and industries in the area. 

Mayor Cale is hopeful that the bond will be placed before voters within the next year.  

Video of the special call city council meeting at this link, or below (if the embed works):


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