Monday, July 15, 2024

Senate GOP elects Paxton as Pro Tem designee - at least for now

The Republican majority caucus of the Oklahoma Senate met today to elect the President Pro Tempore-designee who will ostensibly lead the chamber for the next legislative term. Again. Remember, the last guy (Majority Floor Leader Greg McCortney) was shockingly defeated by a conservative challenger in the June primary. Today's designee, State Sen. Lonnie Paxton (R-Tuttle), may not end up as the Pro Tem, either, as some controversy and complications swirled around today's vote.

For example, of the 40 Republicans, at least 11 are not returning to the body after November, due to term limits, not seeking reelection, or (as in McCortney's case) election defeat. These members still got to vote in-caucus on the leader for 2025-2026. Additionally, it seems that several conservative senators are in Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention, and were not present for the meeting. Perhaps this was by design.

There is a distinct possibility that this vote was an exercise in futility, as Paxton very well could be defeated in the post-election, pre-session caucus vote come November.

I'm leading with the official press release from outgoing Pro Tem Greg Treat announcing Paxton's caucus win, but pay special attention to the comments under that from conservative senators George Burns and David Bullard, neither of whom were at Monday's meeting (Burns is a delegate at the RNC).

This won't be the last word on the next Pro Tem designee...

Pro Tem Greg Treat (left), Sen. Lonnie Paxton (right)

Pro Tem Treat Congratulates Sen. Paxton on Being Named Pro Tem Designee

OKLAHOMA CITY (July 15th) – Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, today congratulated Senator Lonnie Paxton, R-Tuttle, on being named Senate Pro Tem designee after the Senate Republican Caucus voted on his nomination.

“Senator Paxton has done a great job during his tenure as a Senator in serving in various roles including his efforts on redistricting and has brought thoughtful insight to the Senate Republican Caucus leadership team,” Pro Tem Treat said. “I have no doubt he will uphold the office of the pro tem, set high standards and continue our efforts to make Oklahoma the best place to live, work and raise a family. As I reach the end of my term in office, I am happy to provide guidance and prepare Senator Paxton to the best of my ability to be successful in this role moving forward.”

Senator Paxton comments on nomination

“First and foremost, I appreciate my Senate Republican colleagues for their confidence in me to assume this role,” Senator Paxton said. “I also thank current Pro Tem Treat for his willingness to guide me and show me how to be effective in this role as he has been. Pro Tem Treat has served Oklahoma nobly as a Senator and as the leader of the Senate. I applaud his service and wish him well after he terms out of office in November.

“I plan to lead from the front and further unify our caucus, while reaching across the aisle, across the rotunda and to the executive branch to enhance our state. I truly believe Oklahoma’s best days are in front of us and we can only reach our full potential by working together.”

To learn more about Senator Paxton, click here.   

Burns comments on Senate’s Pro Tempore election

OKLAHOMA CITY (July 15th) – Sen. George Burns, R-Pollard, issued the following statement on the Oklahoma Senate’s July 15 Pro Tem election coinciding with the Republican National Convention.

“Greetings from Milwaukee and the Republican National Convention. Recently Oklahoma State Senate Caucus members were notified of a proposed rule change vote on the way our Senate caucus votes to elect its leadership. I am tired of people trying to rig elections in this country and the vote to corner the Senate Pro Tem seat is no different than past attempts to grab power. While I and several others are here supporting the nomination of former President Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President, back home fast moves are being made to secure power within our own leadership. Now is not the time for petty power grabs, especially after the assassination attempt on Saturday, our focus needs to be on getting former President Trump elected. Instead, leadership is calling for an unnecessary election on the home front and to top it off trying to change the rules in a desperate attempt to have this rigged election at any cost. There are reasons these rules exist and they should be followed not side stepped to appease desperation. I am opposed to this election and look forward to a strong change in November.”

Senator Bullard comments on Senate’s special session, Pro Tempore election

OKLAHOMA CITY (July 15th) — Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, issued the following statement on the Oklahoma Senate’s July 15 special session coinciding with the Republican National Convention.

“Our country and state are witnessing an enormous change by the people of our state and our nation. They are demanding their elected officials start reflecting the conservative values on which they campaigned and were elected. The resistance by some elected officials to this change is coming to bear and doing so at a rapid pace. While resistance to transparency and a refusal to listen to the people nationally has been plastered all over our televisions and internet as of late, select members of our state Senate have decided to once again ignore the will of the people.

“In an attempt to maintain their power, an unnecessary election for the Senate Pro Tempore designee has been scheduled to occur at our state Capitol during the Republican National Convention. Even now, after an assassination attempt on President Trump, they are still hell-bent on fixing their election. Make no mistake, this is not a simple oversight, this date was chosen specifically to ensure not all state senators would be able to vote due to their attendance at the national convention. Not only is this election unnecessary but the audacity of some to circumvent the will of the people shows a strong lack of respect for their fellow senators and most importantly, the people of Oklahoma for whom we all serve. Change is coming.”

Hilbert Comments on Selection of Paxton as Senate Leader

OKLAHOMA CITY (July 15th) – Oklahoma House Speaker-Designate Kyle Hilbert, R-Bristow, today commented on the selection of Sen. Lonnie Paxton, R-Tuttle, by the Senate Majority Caucus to serve as President Pro Tempore-Designate for the 60th Legislature.

“I want to congratulate my friend Sen. Lonnie Paxton on the selection by his colleagues to serve as President Pro Tempore-Designate. I appreciate his willingness to step up and look forward to working with him and Governor Stitt to continue Oklahoma’s conservative momentum.”


OKLAHOMA CITY (July 15, 2024) - Today, Governor Kevin Stitt released the following statement after Senator Lonnie Paxton was voted as the Senate President Pro-Tem elect. 

“Lonnie is a great Oklahoman and strong leader who cares deeply about the future of our state," said Governor Stitt. "He believes in our Top Ten agenda—and I look forward to working with him on cutting taxes, shrinking government, making Oklahoma the best state for businesses to thrive, and preserving the Oklahoma way of life. He is a proven conservative and will be a terrific leader for the Senate. I wish him the best as he takes on this new role, and look forward to the Senate’s new chapter under his leadership.”

Leader Munson congratulates Paxton on selection as Senate Leader

OKLAHOMA CITY (July 15th) – House Democratic Leader Cyndi Munson, D-Oklahoma City, released the following statement congratulating Senator Lonnie Paxton, R-Tuttle, being selected by the Senate Majority Caucus to serve as President Pro Tempore-Designate for the 60th Legislature.

“Congratulations to Senator Lonnie Paxton on being selected as President Pro Tempore-Designate. I have had the opportunity to work with Senator Paxton on issues important to Oklahomans all across our state and find solutions to our state’s challenges. Paxton has served the Senate and his district well and I look forward to continuing to work with him on getting bipartisan policies across the finish line to create a better Oklahoma.”

Senate Democratic Leader-elect Julia Kirt offers congratulations to Pro Tem Designee Sen. Lonnie Paxton

OKLAHOMA CITY (July 15th) – Sen. Julia Kirt, Senate Democratic Leader-elect, extended congratulations Monday to Sen. Lonnie Paxton, R-Tuttle, after he was named President Pro Tempore Designee by the Republican Caucus.

“I’ve served with Senator Paxton for six years in the Senate and am continually impressed by his commitment to public service. I look forward to working with him in our leadership roles to create bipartisan solutions for the biggest challenges our state faces and put people over politics.”– Sen. Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City.


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