Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Conservatives rack up wins in Oklahoma GOP primary and runoff

After some remarkable victories in the June primary, Oklahoma conservatives continued the winning streak with additional successes in today's runoff election across the state. This primary-runoff cycle has been, without a doubt, the best election for conservatives in at least a decade.

To recap, in the primary:

  • HD23: Derrick Hildebrant won an open seat.
  • SD13: Jonathan Wingard defeated incumbent moderate Greg McCortney (who was the Pro Tem Designee).
  • SD25: Brian Guthrie beat a moderate House member in this open seat.
  • SD43: Kendal Sacchieri ousted incumbent moderate Jessica Garvin.
  • Incumbent conservatives emerged practically unscathed and several other new nominees look promising.
Meanwhile, in today's runoff:
  • SD3: Dr. Julie McIntosh beat incumbent Sen. Blake 'Cowboy' Stephens 61%-39%.
  • SD15: Lisa Standridge edged out Robert Keyes by 51 votes.
  • HD32: Jim Shaw defeated incumbent House Appropriations Chairman Kevin Wallace 54%-46%.
  • HD50: Stacy Jo Adams beat Andrew Aldridge 61%-39%.
  • HD98: Gabe Woolley slipped past incumbent Dean 'The Drunk' Davis by 28 votes.
Some of the other runoffs either featured two apparent conservatives (i.e. SD33) or have candidates that I'm less certain of their dedication to conservative principles.

Also, the California-ing of Tulsa continues, as Republican Brent VanNorman failed to make it through the absurd California-style nonpartisan jungle primary that Tulsa uses for their municipal election. Tulsans now face the prospect of two left-wing liberals as their option for mayor. [When I first published this post, VanNorman was barely in second place, but I mistakenly had the election results page on Tulsa County results, which missed precincts in the city of Tulsa in other counties. State Rep. Monroe Nichols (D) and County Commissioner Karen Keith (D) 710 and 438 votes ahead of VanNorman, respectively).


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