Friday, September 06, 2024

Oklahoma Judicial Scorecard releases, rates Oklahoma Supreme Court justices


With less than 60 days remaining until Election Day 2024, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) has stepped up to help with a traditionally difficult and under-informed aspect of Oklahoma elections: the judicial retention ballot on Supreme Court justices and Criminal and Civil Appeals Court judges.

At, OCPA evaluates Oklahoma Supreme Court justices based on their decisions on various cases that came before their bench.

This year, three Supreme Court justices will be up for a retention vote;  'yes' vote keeps them on the Court, while a 'no' vote would remove them - something that has yet to happen since the retention system was put in place in the 1960s. The justices on the ballot will be James Edmondson, Noma D. Gurich, and Yvonne Kauger. 

Also on the ballot will be Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals judges David B. Lewis, William J. Musseman, and Scott Rowland. Unfortunately, the OCPA Oklahoma Judicial Scorecard does not cover the appeals courts, so those judges will continue to be a bit harder to research, but this is a positive step forward in voter transparency and education!


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