Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Oklahoma Freedom Caucus challenges Tinker Air Force Base’s “National Coming Out Day” event

Oklahoma Freedom Caucus Challenges Tinker Air Force Base’s “National Coming Out Day” Event

Oklahoma City, OK (Oct. 15th) –  The Oklahoma Freedom Caucus challenges the decision to host and promote “National Coming Out Day” on Tinker Air Force Base.

Senator Shane Jett, OKFC Chairman and U.S. Navy veteran, expressed the criticism shared by thousands of military families. “Military bases have significant budgets to cultivate positive relationships in their communities. It’s incomprehensible that Tinker Air Force Base would openly promote a prurient lifestyle that would obviously affront the tenets of faith of over 75% of Oklahoma’s professing Christian population as well those practicing Jewish and Muslim faiths. It is vulgar, prurient, inappropriate, and unbecoming of our military facilities.” said Senator Jett.

Representative Jim Olsen, House Vice Chair of the OKFC, echoed these concerns, adding, “The military exists to protect our freedoms, not to serve as a platform for sexual social experimentation. Events like these distract from the mission and undermine the moral fabric that holds our armed forces together. We will continue to demand that Tinker focus on what matters most—national defense and the protection of American values.”

Senator Dusty Deevers, Senate Vice Chair of the OKFC, emphasized the potential dangers of such events, saying, “We urge Oklahomans to make their voices heard. For too long, polite and long suffering Oklahomans have endured intentional disrespect to their moral sensibilities, defiance of tenets of their faith in direct offense of morality and decency. This is not the way forward.”

The Oklahoma Freedom Caucus encourages citizens to demand accountability from Tinker Air Force Base and their elected representatives. 

“Our silence has been interpreted as consent of hedonistic sexual gratification as a so-called ‘alternative lifestyle’. We do not give our consent. We do not approve. We call appropriate shame upon those who promote this nonsense in the name of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ which is intended to divide, distract, and destroy the morale of this country and devastate the military readiness of our armed forces.” Senator Jett said.

The public can get involved by requesting their state and federal legislators to require our military facilities focus on military readiness, provide a wholesome environment for the base community, and discontinue promotion of deviant sexual and politically charged events that affront and disrespect Oklahoma values. The public can directly contacting Tinker Air Force Base to express their opposition at 405-739-2025.


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