Saturday, March 22, 2025

After ethics settlement, Walters foe uses old Twitter handle to target family for protest

This past week, State Superintendent Ryan Walters reached a settlement with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission regarding the usage of what he's dubbed as his personal X (formerly Twitter) account, but that walked the line of being an official state government account. Under the settlement, Walters agreed to pay a $5,000 fine, change his @RyanWaltersSupt username on the social media network to remove reference to Superintendent, among a few other items.

Perhaps an unintended consequence of this is that the old, highly publicized and referenced @RyanWaltersSupt username became available to be claimed by anyone on the social media network. A Walters foe evidently did so in rapid fashion, tagging the account as "parody" in order to get by the Terms Of Service against impersonation on Twitter/X, and is now using the account to call for protests at the Walters' home early Sunday morning, posting what appears to be their personal address.

I hesitated to bring attention to this because it had not spread much yet; however, I reached out to State Superintendent Walters to make him aware of it and ask for comment (only acknowledgement of the message was received, not a formal response). These political foes need calling out, and there's something for the Ethics Commission in this as well.

This is, in part, the result of a bit of a blunder by the Ethics Commission, with perhaps a lack of understanding how social media functions. There should have been some recognized ability for Walters to secure the old 'handle' against impersonation efforts by political opponents. 

Walters' Ethics Commission settlement (click to view larger)

Some cowardly anonymous foe of Walters is now seeking to drive rabid opponents to confront Walters - and his family - as they prepare for worship on the Lord's Day. This is abhorrent. Publicly and vocally opposing an elected official is one thing; harassing his wife and children at home (not to mention neighbors) is another thing entirely.

That type of reprehensible tactic is a favorite of radical left-wing extremists, and these days, unhinged individuals don't need much prodding to take extreme actions.

This no-holds-barred atmosphere is a reason why good people hesitate to put their family through political involvement. I remember a time when my parents were targeted for my father's legislative record, with vile phone calls, letters, and even OSBI-investigated death threats. I know many other elected officials who have had similar experiences, and it takes a toll on their spouses and children. It should not happen. 

Stay safe, Mr. Superintendent and family.


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